TRAFFIC LAWSpeeding Tickets

WHAT WE DOA skilled attorney to help with your speeding ticket

Contrary to what some drivers in North Carolina may think, speeding tickets can have serious and costly consequences. Steep fines, skyrocketing insurance rates and the revocation of your driver's license are just some of the penalties you face if you choose to pay, rather than contest, a speeding ticket. Paying a speeding ticket is essentially an admission of guilt. Talk to a lawyer about your options. Contact our office to arrange a consultation.

Attorney Ronald Shook helps his clients contest speeding and other traffic tickets. In many cases, he is able to get charges for a moving violation reduced to a lower level violation or dismissed altogether. He may be able to appear in court on your behalf and handle the entire matter for you, keep your insurance rates from rising, and help you keep your driving privileges. If your license is revoked as part of a plea agreement or sentence, he can work to arrange limited driving privileges.

Depending on the circumstances involved with your speeding or another moving violation ticket, hiring an attorney may be an effective way to minimize or eliminate any resulting penalties and harm. Contact the Law Offices of Ronald J. Shook today to discuss your specific situation and to learn more about your options.

Effective for offenses committed on or after January 1, 2012, a new statute provides for a civil revocation of a limited learner’s permit or provisional license of a person under age 18 if the person is charged with a “criminal moving violation” as defined in that statute. An example of this could be a speeding more than 15 miles over the limit or in excess of 80 mph. This new statute appears to require the officer to arrest the young motorist and bring them before the magistrate who may immediately revoke their privilege.

Contact us about a moving violation

Call 704-671-2390 or contact our Gastonia office to schedule a consultation about defense of speeding tickets or other traffic violations. We serve clients in courts throughout Mecklenburg County and Gaston County.

The Law Offices of
Ronald J. Shook

121 E. Main Ave, Gastonia NC 28052

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Attorney Ronald J. Shook provides clients at our firm with the highest quality representation through hard work, determination, and by always doing the right thing.

Our mission is to take the weight off of our clients’ shoulders, and handle their concerns so that they can get on with their lives.


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