CRIMINAL DEFENSERemoval From Sex Offender Registry

WHAT WE DOPetition for removal from the Sex Offender Registry

If you have been convicted of a sex crime in North Carolina, you are likely on the sex offender registry. This public registration has no doubt affected your relationships with family, friends, neighbors and employers. Fortunately, there are certain instances that allow an individual to be removed from the Sex Offender Registry.

Eligibility for removal from the Sex Offender Registry

Certain individuals can request to be removed from the registry after ten years. However, the request can only be submitted once a year. If you are denied after applying, you must wait another year from the date of the denial to reapply for removal.

This may seem straightforward, however, removing a name from the Sex Offender Registry is actually a complicated and highly technical process.

It is critical to ascertain:

  • where you were convicted
  • when you were convicted
  • what you were convicted of
  • what the allegations against you were
  • how long you have been on the Sex Offender Registry
  • where you have been on the Sex Offender Registry
  • can you prove that you are not a danger to the community
  • whether your removal is allowed by Federal law

Why getting a skilled advocate to help with the removal process is important

Depending on the circumstances, many have to reapply several times. Hiring an attorney who may be able to help you get it done right the first time is very important.

How a lawyer can help

With his years of experience, attorney Ron Shook has defending many individuals charged with sex crimes and handling issues involving the Sex Offender Registry.

If you qualify for removal, attorney Shook will file a petition for removal in Superior Court and will advocate on your behalf, offering evidence of good conduct, such as letters of reference and testimony, and proof that you are not a danger to the community.

The ultimate decision, however, is entirely up to the judge in your case and the district attorney’s opposition may be a very important factor. That is why hiring an attorney with expertise in this area is vital.

Reach out today

If you have questions about the Sex Offender Registry or wish to learn whether you are eligible, call our office today at 704-671-2390. You can also send us an email.

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The Law Offices of
Ronald J. Shook

121 E. Main Ave, Gastonia NC 28052

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